‘Go for it now. The future is promised to no one’

SO my little chipolata sausages … this is a bit of a random blog post today! But basically I need to have a bit of a rant because I’m starting to feel the need to violently shake people. And I’m pretty sure If I started doing that I’d have no friends left and that would be sad. 

So this morning I was getting ready for work – dancing around my room and singing along to Roar by Katy Perry – as you do (I know you all do it – don’t deny it) and I was listening to the lyrics and realized DAMN these are some pretty awesome lyrics. (There are people reading this who’ll probably want to slap me right now but hey – its a great song okay!) Anyway, as many of you know I’ve had a PRETTY stressful year to say the least – finals, a big health scare within a week of my finals, graduating and a break up! Not a great year but you know what people … tough poop! Life throws a HELL of a lot of crap at you sometimes and you’ve gotta power through it and come out the other side and show the world what you’re made of! 

You’re probably wondering why on earth I’m mentioning all this stuff on my travelling blog? Well since I started mentioning my travelling plans to people I’ve had SO many people say to me ‘oh my god you’re so brave going travelling alone, I could never do that’ and you know what … its actually bugging me quite a lot! I mean don’t get me wrong, If people want to pay me compliments then that’s fine by me haha but it bugs me because its a load of codswallop. 

This year, for me, has been absolutely pants and I could’ve easily let it ruin my plans … also I don’t have the power of eternal youth, I don’t get any financial help and I don’t have the good fortune to never have to work in my life … but I’m still going travelling because you know what? I’m 22 … I’ve worked my bum off for the past 17 years in education … and because why the hell not?! Yes sometimes life is crap and we all like to have a good moan, yes we can come out of uni/college and go straight into work and work until we’re 75 because we need to buy houses and cars and pay bills and pay for kids etc and yes sometimes things just seem too scary/hard …but surely its worse to end up regretting what you didn’t do in later life because you were a bit scared or life was a bit pants at times or you were just waiting until you had the time/money but it just never happened? I know so many of my parents’ friends/family who say ‘Oh I wish I’d done _____ when I was young’ and I just think its such a shame. 

Nowadays we have so many opportunities open to us and my aim is to live my life making the most of those. I can honestly say that so far in my life I don’t have any regrets … everything I’ve said i’ll do I have done and they’ve all been amazing experiences. Yeah some things are scary as hell to imagine … I don’t particularly want to travel alone and the thought of living in Germany for a year terrified me before I went (ask my friends – I cried on like every night out haha) and throwing yourself out of a plane isn’t exactly a calming thought … but unless you get out there and try things how are you ever going to experience life. 

Life is what you make it – don’t sit and wait for opportunities to come to you. 

Rant over! Until next time 😉 

Briony xoxo

‘Life is what you make it’ – Mother of Briony. 


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